Care Groups
Care groups have been a significant part of our Bethel Family life for many years. Like other initiatives at Bethel, care groups have provided people with an increased sense of belonging and a place of support within the larger congregation. It is our desire that everyone who wants to be a part of a care group at Bethel has the opportunity to do so.
Bethel currently has 24 care groups who are meeting on a regular basis, incorporating a total of 221 people. Most groups meet once a month, with a few groups meeting more or less frequently than this. Socializing together is the most common focus of meetings, with sharing a meal together, extending support to one another, and discussion of topics of interest being other common focuses of care group meetings
Care groups at Bethel are not used for corporate decision making, nor do they actively participate in Bethel’s outreach ministry.
Contact information for each care group at Bethel is updated regularly, including an email contact for each group to facilitate communicating with group leaders as required.
If you would like to be part of a Care Group or wish to have more information, please contact us.