What we do
Bethel and its community do so many different things. Here are a variety of groups and activities to explore.

Community Ministry
Kids and Youth Clubs
Bethel Kids Club is a program for children in grades 1-6. It runs on Tuesday evenings from 6:15 to 7:30 pm, from September to April.
Bethel Youth Club is a program for children in grades 7 & up. It runs on Tuesday evenings from 7:15 to 8:30 pm.
Harrow School Reading Buddies
Volunteers from Bethel are partnered with an elementary school student from Harrow School. These buddies meet weekly for an 8 week session, offering students a chance to develop their reading skills with support and encouragement from their adult buddy.
Food Bank
Bethel’s food bank operates every second week, usually on Monday afternoons. We partner with Harvest Manitoba to ensure everyone in our community has access to adequate, nutritious food.
Mennonite Voluntary Service Adventure
As part of Bethel’s Community Ministry, MVSA offers young adults from a variety of backgrounds a chance to work together in Christian service. Service workers live in a shared household and work with individuals in the wider community who, because of economic disadvantage or injustice, are denied the privileges of health, security and opportunity.

Community Partners
Bethel partners with a variety of programs and organizations as part of our community. Take a moment to explore the rich offerings and learn more about these programs.
Visioning begun in the early 1970’s saw in 1980 the completion and opening of Bethel Place. As a home for people choosing an affordable living accommodation, Bethel Place has served the community now into its 41st year with some 170 folks currently having an independent lifestyle and a caring group of employees and volunteers in provision of service.
Bethel partners with familiesforward, the Fort Rouge-River Heights Parent-Child Coalition, to offer Kids@Play, a Tuesday morning drop-in play group for children ages 0-6 years and their caregivers.
Mosaic offers English classes for newcomers, along with free childcare, four days a week at Bethel in our lower level classrooms.
Anyone who is interested in attending classes is asked to contact Mosaic directly for more information.
Welcome to our vibrant little program tucked into the lower north corner of Bethel Church where we provide loving and responsive care to preschool and school-aged children. We support and partner with families in our inclusive, respectful environment. We are committed to excellence in early childhood education, providing rich learning experiences in our beautiful outdoor and indoor play spaces.
Bethel MOMs meets on Thursday mornings at Bethel. The program is designed to offer a ‘time out’ for busy moms. For up-to-date program information, please visit their website.

Caregiving Ministry
Older Adults
The caregiving ministry for older adults is enhanced by volunteer visitors who provide companionship to a select group of congregants. Check out our various programs and build some meaningful fellowship with your peers.
Young Adults and Young families
Young adults and young families are an important part of our congregation. We have regular opportunities for these groups to gather. Click here to connect further.
Care Groups
Care groups have been a significant part of our Bethel Family life for many years. Like other initiatives at Bethel, care groups have provided people with an increased sense of belonging and a place of support within the larger congregation. It is our desire that everyone who wants to be a part of a care group at Bethel has the opportunity to do so.
Prayer Ministries
Bethel’s Healing Prayer Team led by dedicated, trained volunteers is an important caregiving ministry at Bethel. They offer a confidential ministry to those seeking prayer.
Hands on Care
“Hands on care” is provided to congregants of all ages. This includes programs such as prayer partnerships, “meal train” and even babysitting during church services.
our pastors and committee members provide Bereavement care including a Memorial Service each November for all who have experienced the loss of a loved one.

Faith Formation
Kids Connecting
Kids Connecting is a time of faith formation for preschool and elementary school age children. This group is led by experienced leaders and meets regularly for stories, crafts and games.
Youth Connecting
This is a time of faith formation for youth in Grade 5 & up. The group meets twice a month on Sunday mornings to build relationships with one another and leaders, while exploring their faith.
Adult Education
Adult Education offers an opportunity for adults to learn and reflect together on faith and contemporary themes. With the use of guest speakers, Biblical studies and sharing of personal faith stories we enrich our lives and are aided in living out our faith commitments. Topics covered in the recent past include our relationships with the indigenous community and other faith groups, the ministries of the local and worldwide church and our life transitions.
Come on into the Bethel Library to find the book that’s just right for you. Our volunteers are book lovers and good listeners! We’ve got some comfy chairs, a table to gather around, and a diverse, interesting, and constantly updated collection of materials. Why not pay us a visit?
Bethel Women in Mission
Bethel Women in Mission has been an integral, evolving part of Bethel church from early on. It is a group for women of all ages seeking to connect, belong, and serve.

Hospitality / Community Life
Hospitality and Community Life committee strives to create a welcoming atmosphere for everyone coming to Bethel, be it in the simple things like enjoying coffee after the service or enjoying fellowship around the table for our monthly potlucks. Community Life events include an annual triathlon event when we join together and have fun curling, bowling and occasionally playing other games, then ending with a meal. We have hosted some song and story nights and have held Jets and Bombers viewing parties. By having fun together we get to know each better which all helps in building a caring community.

Facilities Rental
Bethel Mennonite Church strives to be a welcoming and active member in the community. This includes making the various spaces within the church building available for rent. Many spaces are available for rent and are available to both church members as well as non-members. These spaces vary in size and amenities to meet your rental needs.
For more information or to inquire about availability and cost please contact the church office.