Worship Planning

Our committee meets monthly, reviewing Bethel’s worship services and preparing for upcoming services. We arrange for worship leaders, children’s time leaders, and handle some administrative issues like copyright licensing, volunteer personnel for our audio and video services, piano tuning and repairs, radio broadcasts, etc. We are very fortunate to have people who are willing to participate in our worship including a wide variety of musicians, artists for bulletin covers and worship visuals, children’s time leaders, worship leaders, scripture readers, and story tellers (testimonials), and audio and video technicians, who over the course of this year have had a much bigger job.

Worship at Bethel Mennonite Church is open to every person regardless of who you are, or where you are in your life or faith journey. Through worship we collectively seek to honour and praise God while supporting and loving each other. Worship takes on many forms including scripture reading, prayers, music, children’s story, and a sermon. Worshiping with others gives us strength and helps us grow in our understanding of what it means to live a Christ like life. We look forward to welcoming you to our in-person worship. We invite you to worship with us.

Worship Service is every Sunday at 10:00 AM

Snap shots from this last year

When we compare our online worship service at the beginning of the pandemic to our current service, we see quite a change. With much practice, we have grown in our ability to use new and improved technology. We are using visuals, text on screen, and numerous prerecorded segments as required. Thank you to everyone who has participated as we have developed our online worship service.

The Worship Committee looks after the Artist in Residence program and this past year we had Lynda Toews taking on that role. Her work celebrated the arrival of the new hymnal, Voices Together, and the hundred year anniversary of Mennonite Central Committee with two exciting pieces of art. Our worship series on “Trees” in January highlighted scripture references and music that pertained to trees, all Lynda’s work. During that entire series her three tree paintings circled the pulpit highlighting each and every service. We have had those paintings appraised and when we can meet again will offer them to congregants who might wish to purchase them. Information at a later date.

Our new Voices Together hymnals arrived last year and they are ready. We have kept a set of 35 of the old blue hymnals and 35 of SJ and SS for choir use. We gave 100 of the blue hymnals to Bethel Place while 75 will be kept for use by Women in Mission. We have also put together a Voices Together Implementation Group that over the next two years will lead our congregation as we learn how to make the best use of our new resource-filled Voices Together hymnals. This group is led by the current Music/Arts Coordinator.

The Music/Arts Coordinator position, supported by the Legacy Fund, has been a valuable addition to our worship planning, particularly helpful during this time of COVID. Worship Committee requested that the position continue for another year, which was an option outlined in the original request to the Legacy Fund. This is been accepted by church council.

Thank you to everyone who has helped with our Worship Services in this very different kind of year.

