March 2 Faith Formation Hour


Adult Education

March 2: Living Generously

This week, Abe Bergen will continue the conversation from our worship service during the Adult Ed hour. We will share our take-aways from the challenging gospel story about wealth and possessions that we read in Mark 10:17-31. How have you come to terms with the message of this text?  How do you keep an undivided heart with respect to money? What motivates your generosity? We look forward to learning from each other.

March 9 – 23: Shadows and Light: Lenten Worship Response

For these first three Sundays in Lent, we will spend our Adult Education time responding to the themes of our worship services and asking how they speak to the experience of our lives and of our world. The sessions will include a mixture of table conversation and whole-group discussion. This is your opportunity to ask questions, share insights and keep the conversation going!

  Kids Connecting and Youth Connecting

Kids Connecting will meet on Sunday, March 2, at 11:15 am in the basement.

Youth Connecting will meet on Sunday, March 2, at 11:15 am in the basement.

 Young Families

Young Families are invited to the Coffee Corner during the faith formation hour for snacks and conversation.


Ash Wednesday Service


Women in Mission