Nov. 17 Worship Focus


November 17 Worship Focus

·         Theme: Come Bring Your Burdens to God

·         Scripture: Matthew 11:28-30

·         Speaker: Kevin Derksen

Our worship this Sunday makes space for us to name and acknowledge the things that we carry – the worries, the conflicts, the losses, the laments, the health concerns and whatever else might weigh on our hearts, minds and bodies. Amid all these things we hear the invitation of Jesus from Matthew 11 – “Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”

November 24 Worship Focus

·         Theme: Eternity Sunday

·         Scripture: Hebrews 12:1

·         Speaker: MaryLou Driedger

Please join us in-person on Sunday at 10:00 am, or online. To view online, go to the home page on our website and click on Bethel Live.


From the Pastor


Adult Ed. Nov. 17