Council Committees

We support these different groups and programs:

  • Gift Discernment

  • Communications

  • Truth and Reconciliation Task Force

Gift Discernment

We are given the task of finding people to work on Bethel’s various committees. With an eye to matching people’s gifts and interests with opportunities, we seek to help people find joy and fulfillment in their involvements at Bethel.

Bethel is sustained by and thrives through the many hours volunteers dedicate to a wide variety of tasks: visiting, preparing meals for the Meal Train, providing worship leading and music, serving on committees, connecting with our children, young people, and those in our neighbourhood…. the list is long. Gift Discernment prayerfully attends to the diverse array of skills and callings in the congregation to fill the various roles that help our community to function well.   We celebrate our volunteers, whether they are members of standing committees, or involved in particular projects or tasks. All gifts are welcome and appreciated.


Bethel’s Communication Strategy

Our vision of “Loving God, Each Other and Our Neighbours” is on the minds of all who are a part of the Bethel Family. This vision shapes our communication strategy and understands the Bethel Family to include our active Bethel Family members, our neighbours and our community ministries partners and those that are seeking a new spiritual home.

Messages communicated on a regular basis include the work of the Church at Bethel and beyond and various stories and information about our Bethel Family members.

The Pastoral Team influences directly and indirectly the content included in all of the messages regularly communicated. A content editor is used in the preparation of the Bethel eNews and a process is used to provide for a consistent brand, and messaging which is consistent with Mennonite Church Canada graphics guidelines.

Our communications platforms primarily involve our website, the weekly Bethel eNews, printed and online copies of important announcements, social media (Facebook and Instagram) and our TV monitors located in the foyer and basement. Other forms of communications include flyers, posters, brochures and invitations.

Details of Bethel’s overall communication plan can be found by clicking here.