Gift Discernment


The Gift Discernment Committee is given the task of finding people to work on Bethel’s various committees. With an eye to matching people’s gifts and interests with opportunities, we seek to help people find joy and fulfillment in their involvements at Bethel.


Bethel is sustained by and thrives through the many hours volunteers dedicate to a wide variety of tasks: visiting, preparing meals for the Meal Train, providing worship leading and music, serving on committees, connecting with our children, young people, and those in our neighbourhood…. the list is long. Gift Discernment prayerfully attends to the diverse array of skills and callings in the congregation to fill the various roles that help our community to function well.   We celebrate our volunteers, whether they are members of standing committees, or involved in particular projects or tasks. All gifts are welcome and appreciated.

Here is our list of committees and groups. There are many areas in which to engage; we invite you  to explore this list further.



  1. To encourage the discernment of spiritual gifts within the Bethel membership

  2. To facilitate the rewarding experience that comes from using those spiritual gifts in active Christian witness and service, within and beyond Bethel

  3. To assist committees and other working groups within Bethel in gaining the volunteers they need to work at their respective ministries




Mennonite Voluntary Service